Members of the Development Economics Network Switzerland (DENS) are established researchers working on topics related to development economics at a Swiss university. If you would like to join as an active member, please drop us a note.
Jean Louis Arcand
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Department of International Economics
Julia Cajal Grossi
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Department of International
Bruno Caprettini
University of St. Gallen
School of Economics and Political Science
Gilles Carbonnier
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Department of International Economics
Poulomi Dasgputa
Franklin University Switzerland
Department of Economics and Finance
Christelle Dumas
University of Fribourg
Chair of Development Economics
and Economic History
Steering committee
Isabel Günther
ETH Zurich
NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation
Steering committee
Roland Hodler
University of St Gallen
Swiss Institute for International Economics and Applied Economic Research
steering committee
Catherine Michaelova
University of Zurich
Department of Political Science
Steering Committee
Dzhamilya Nigmatulina
University of Lausanne
Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC)
Patrick Premand
University of Lausanne & Development Impact Evaluation Research Department (DEC/DIME)
World Bank
Claude Raisaro
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Department of International Economics & Center for Finance and Development
Dominic Rohner
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Department of International Economics
Lore Vandewalle
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Center for Finance and Development
Steering committee
Martina Viarengo
Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)
Department of International Economics